he never ask !!!

YUE • Miscarriage today January 26,2022. Devastated
So my fiancé of 7 years finally told me something I completely forgot to ask. I been so focus on school for 8 years that I just accepted it as our norm. I finally ask him how he proposed to me. And he told me he never did!😱he never ask me to marry me. I was completely shocked I'm like wait what? You never ask me to marry you? He is like nope I just bought you an engagement ring and gave it to you. Yeah so why didn't you? Are you going to? He laughed nope. I'm like why!!! I was upset. 😂 he said babe don't be upset but I'm not going to ask you because you already ask me. I said when did I ask you. He laughed he is like babe don't I have a ring on my finger didn't you get down on your knee and ask me to marry you? I'm like omg I don't remember!!! He is soo enjoying this. 😍❤️I just wanted to share that funny experience 
Update: we talked about it again and his response was different 😂. And for some of you who think I forgot when each of us proposed well I didn't. He did, but I am not upset. I like the different scenarios he gives me just to confuse me because he thinks I forgot, though that makes the memory more cherishable. I find it adorable. I like his expression when he talks about how we met, got together, and proposed. People don't ask the dates they ask "how did it happen?how did you two meet? Where did he propose etc." if people want to know he gave me the ring on April 22,2014 and I propose May 18,2014. I hope you guys enjoy the funny conversations I have with my fiancé. Thank you