What's wrong with me?

This morning I woke up and I felt like I had vertigo and like my mind felt "fuzzy", my heart rate was crazy and I actually felt, how do I put it? High 😂 I later on had nausea then topped with an anxiety attack. My entire body feels heavy and my speech and general movement is slow but everything around me feels like its happening so rabidly. Any idea what it could be?
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High blood pressure can explain the fuzzy feeling and not feeling all there.


Posted at
I felt that way with TIA strokes caused by birth control. I was on lo lo estrin fe.


Elizabeth • Jun 14, 2017
Thry developed later. First I would have extreme nausea. I'm sure if you have no symptoms of concern by now you should be fine. Always good to monitor things and veer on the side of caution.


Lenie 🍄 • Jun 14, 2017
Did you have these symptoms early on or did they develop later? I haven't had any but I want to be watching out because that sounds scary.


Elizabeth • Jun 12, 2017