Forgive her?

You ladies might have seen my post about my physical fight with my mom yesterday. She came over and decked me in the face for spanking my puppy on the bum (not hard, just enough to get her attention). I reacted and slugged her in the arm (I know I shouldn't have, it was just my bodies reaction to her punching me in the face). I told her I am a grown woman and don't live with her anymore so she doesn't get to hit me anymore (she use to hit me and my sister when we were younger). She put me in a head lock and there me against the wall, pulling my hair, hurting me a lot, and yelling at me. I was trying to get her off me so I squoze her face and told her this was assault and that if she didn't let go I'd call the cops as soon as she did. She then tried to throw me to the ground and body slam me, but I managed to stay on my feet, but she biffed it and fell. She had a hold of my hair and began pulling it and scratching me and hitting me again. My sister and husband got separated and I began gathering my things to leave. She was still yelling at me telling me about her house rules and I said I would never be coming back and she started attacking me again. My husband got her off of me and she yelled at us to leave and stomped back to her room and slammed the door. I got all my stuff together and told my husband kets go and he said no, not till you calm down. I wasn't staying for her to come out for a round three so I dropped all but my purse and walked 5-6 blocks down to the college campus and sat behind the building and cried. They all, including my husband and sister blamed me for the entire thing happening. I have already been depressed and can't keep it together (I may also be pregnant, neg tests, but no period in 2 months) so this happening pushed me to be suicidal again. I really was going to do it, but I'm too scared of death. My husband eventually found me about an hour later and him and my sister talked me into going home. My mom tested me last night and apologized and said she was going to be the bigger person and say it first. I'm still really hurt and mad at her. Should I forgive her or no? Would you?

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