Could this be implantation bleeding?

The Mrs.
So just some back ground iv never been regular with af due to pcos. I will have a period on my own about once a year and always between Oct and Jan. TMI but they always start out very dark in color and stay that way for about a day. So this was my first cycle on famara, on day 14 I had a follicle check and they found two. I ovulated on day 16-17. On 5 dpo I had a blood test checking to see if I ovulated and they ran a pregnancy test even tho it was early. ( i had taken a test and gotten a call with bad news and didnt get back to it in time to read it and found a faint line and wasnt sure if it was an evap line or not so they decided to run a test ) Pregnancy test came back bfn for pregnancy and a bfp for ovulation. I'm now 9 dpo and have been experiencing some cramping, I woke up this morning to find spotting but it was bright red and pink not dark like I would usually have while starting af. Could I still have a chance at being pregnant? Has any one else had experience with this sort of thing? And had any one had a blood test be wrong?