My Birth Story

So at 1 am yesterday morning I woke up to contractions. It hurt to walk/talk/sit through. I wasn't able to go back to sleep until about 4 am. I woke up at 7:30 am to contractions and needing to go to the bathroom. Well when I went to the bathroom I had bloody mucus and some grape size blood clots. So I called my doctor. They said to go to labor and delivery immediately well I didn't lol. I waited until around noon to go and that's only because my friend bribed me with IHOP (I was seriously hungry). Well we got to the hospital and told them I was having contractions and up we went. So they immediately set me up and did the routine questions and when they checked me said I was an active 4 and I was just a 3 two days ago. Well they came back and checked me an hour later I was a 5 95% effaced and he wasn't engaged. My water hadn't broke yet. So we decided since I was under a lot of stress the contractions weren't even peaking on the scale they were going off the grid we decided it would be best for me and chunky monkey. So once I got the epidural they put a purple peanut in between my legs it's supposed to help dilate the cervix and boy did it. I was a 7 within an hour. A 9 within 30 minutes. He was officially engaged and no my water still hadn't broke yet ( we decided to try to see if I could actually deliver him in his sac) well at 7:50 PM they checked me and said I was a full 10 cm and my bag was intact still and he was fully engaged and his head was right there. We'll I tried my hardest to not let the bag break but it did what it did and got all over the doctor 😂😂. Well once my water broke they decided to call in the nursery and another nurse just in case. After 3 pushes at 8:03 pm Kailen Quinn finally made his way into the world at 8 pounds 1 ounce 20 1/2 inches long on June 12th, 2017 and a head full of strawberry blonde curls. He latched on like a pro. He loves already talking and smiling at daddy and cuddling with him too. And daddy loves watching me and him together (he lost a set of twins last year and his son actually died June 23rd of last year ) so needless to say he won't leave mine or Kailens side. Once I pushed him out he didn't know who to go to so he stayed by me since the nurses were trying to clear out Kailens lungs. He is a breastfeeding champ. He has latched on with no problems and either likes to be on my boobs, dad's finger, or his binky. He is already loved by so many and I am so grateful. Now to feed my chunky monkey and get some sleep.