Pcos on clomid

Hello, i have pcos.

I have been on clomid for 5 months, i have ovulated every single time with a progesterone level between 80-90 each time on day 21 to confirm ovulation. Also had ultrasound which has confirmed good sized follicles.

However have been having negative opks and have not concieved yet.

I have a 2 1/2 yr old and had a miscarriage last year. I still feel the loss of my baby so intensely, it breaks my heart that i haven't been able to conceive since. I have had one miracle baby and i just so badly want to fill this void of my loss. I struggle to conceive and then upon a miracle, i concieve only to see it being taken away from me before i even get a chance to see, hear or hold him/her.

I hate pcos, i really do. I wish there was a cure!