fasting number 😩

Megan • MC: 5-17-15:: Lap-7-26-16: Endo warrior. DD born July 2017 🙌🏼💞 DD#2 Due June 2019
So I finally got my glucose meter and started pricking last night after dinner. Number was perfect. I had an apple and pb for before bed snack at 8:30 then took my fasting number at 8:30 am and it was 115! I took it three more times in disbelief because I didn't even fail that portion on the glucose test! It was 115,128,103,101 still all above 90 for fasting.. immorat by to God it was just once and tomorrow will be better!!! After breakfast was perfect too. Just ate lunch so we will see... 
Any ladies having trouble with fasting numbers from what they ate for bed time snack?
Help 😩🙏🏼