
I was dating my boyfriend at the time for almost 2 years when he abruptly broke up with me after moving to Seattle. We have been LDR all of our relationship due to him going to the military in Virginia but we made it work by visiting each other as often as possible (every other month). We reconnected about 6 months later after breaking up. We started doing everything as if we were together again. Always talking on the phone & FaceTime. He would tell me he missed me and he loved me and still does. I never got over the relationship so I let him back in. We would've been together for 4 years if things never ended. His reasoning for why were not together is that he doesn't want to do LDR anymore. At one point he was making plans to move back home so that we can be together again. I have a good full time job so I'm limited but if I could I would move to Seattle in a heartbeat. At times I wonder if I want this more than him. My friends are telling me that I deserve better and to just move on. I'm constantly told to do the same thing. I am at a battle with myself because he is who I want to be with and I believe him when he says that I am the one he wants to be with. I visit him as much as I can in hopes that it would change his mind but he's stuck in his decision.
I guess I am looking for positive words, advice and similar situations.