in need of (moral) support

My LO is now 9 months old. She's breastfeeding 4-5 times per day, eating fruit 3 times and food twice per day. At 7-8 months she got sick three times and I was so tired I started using my boob to help her fall asleep since that seemed to be what worked faster. Soon she started waking up 5-6 times I'd pick her up, latch her for 2-3 minutes and she'd fall right back asleep. With that I started having some serious symptoms of deprivation of sleep. Three days ago I hit a wall: I slept by her side and she woke 7 times. Even sleeping by her side I didn't get any quality sleep. Next day my emotions were flying all over, I couldn't control tears running down my face or anger. So I told my husband something needed to be done otherwise I feared opening a psychiatric case. I explained to my baby that her father would sleep in her room and that she would fall asleep without nursing. She really seemed to understand the first part. It took her about an hour turning in her bed, but she fell asleep, me sitting by the side of her bed occasionally touching and talking to her, no crying. 7pm. I went straight to bed and woke up at midnight to her cries. Between me and my husband it was an hour of on and off terrible crying until I finally gave in and nursed her. She nursed, I put her awake in her bed and she fell asleep on her own until 6 am. Yesterday she slept on her own at 07:30 pm, after criying about 5 minutes, woke at 3 am, nursed, slept till 6. Today she didn't even try to nurse before going to bed, but wanted to be held until faling asleep. I've got some back problem so tockong her to sleep is not an option. So her fatigue picked her up and she immediately calmed down. He had to leave before she was completely asleep, so he gave her to me and left. I put her down, she kind of yelled, grabbed my face and torso, I talked to her, then she turned away from me to the far side of her bed and fell asleep. I am feeling terrible that she may not be understanding why am I putting her throught this when it would be so easy (in her eyes) to put her out of her misery and help her sleep really quick... and the other thing that is nagging me is this feeling that I am not so important anymore - since she's learning how to sleep on her own she doesn't need ME - my husband or a nanny or anybody will do... I do need some support from mothers who've already gone throught this, please.