I wasn't abused right??

My mom has told me that she thinks that I was abused sexually as a child. She says I have the signs for it. Mental and anger issues. Depression. I'm really shy and get nervous easily. I was very sexual as a child, like touching myself at a young age and stuff. But she was also kind of abusive. She would get physically and emotionally abusive. Calling my sister and I names a lot. Like a bitch and fat and stuff. She would hit us sometimes and stuff like that. Do you think that maybe I was sexually abused and my mind has just blocked out the memories? I've ready your mind can do that and choose to not remember it. It really has me worried and upset and can't stop thinking about what has messed me up so badly. She is also known for making up lies and stories. She thinks my dad did it because he has a porn and sex addiction... Please help... My dad doesn't seem like that kind of person at all.