To do a test or wait??

Hey 👋 
So I'm eagerly sat with an acutest test deciding whether or not to take it. 
I was due AF on the 12th of June and it was late by 5 days, but now I'm confused if it even was AF. I am always regular and always on time, AF is normally heavy first three days and then gets lighter the next two days. AF lasts 5 days. However this time round started off with pale pink spotting only when wiping, then the next day, bleeding but not as heavy as I would be, this lasted 2 days and then spotting which can only be described as brown (old blood). Never experienced this before. On top of all this I'm getting some signs, cramps, back pain, tender breasts and feeling sick. I don't normally get anything during AF just the day before to let me know she's arriving. I need advice on whether now is a good time to do a test or whether this is all just wishful thinking. Thanks guys.Â