
Lindsay • amazingracediva
Hi, I found out I had a missed miscarriage on Friday passed I was 8 weeks 1 day, baby stopped growing at 6 weeks 2 days. Sunday I started painful period cramps but nothing too painful, and bright red blood. Monday morning spotting, no cramps. Last night wicked cramps again, bright red blood and lots of clots. One huge but I couldn't tell if it was baby because it slipped down the drain before I could get it. This morning light spotting no cramps. Now! The cramps are worse with red blood no clots. Anyone else have this? I have an ultrasound on Thursday to see of everything passed but the doctor refused to give me medication or do a d&c. I feel like I'm being punished! Like I did something wrong so now I have to suffer through the pain of carrying my dead baby and miscarrying.