🙄 Every Single Time

I just need to rant for a few minutes. EVERY single time something doesn't go exactly as planned or goes my SO way he gets pissed off and acts a fool! So today for example, our baby has been throwing up for a few days (not a lot just every now and then spit up but it's clumpy) and she's been fussy and pulling at her ear and this morning she had a 99.3 temp. So I called the doctor told them what's going on and they tel me I need to come in. So I get off the phone and he goes "seriously another $25 wasted!!!!!!! She doesn't need to go to the doctor she's fine" so I call and cancel and he then goes at it again "are you f****ing kidding me !? What's your deal? Take her to the doctor! You're being childish" I ignore him because I'm sick of this attitude so if I don't give it a response hopefully he will stop. Finally after 30 or 40 minutes of her crying he finally says call and get the appointment back. So we get the appointment. We go and nothing is wrong she's just having a bad day. So after he gloats and everything like a dang child we go to get something to eat we decide on full moon BBQ and we are on our way there and our baby goes to sleep. He gets pissed because we don't have the stroller (he took it out of the car so we could fit a gun in its case last night to take it to a friends house) so she's now asleep and he's pissed off that we can't go in. So we go somewhere else we've never been to this place before (Cook Out) and there's BBQ on the menu so I decide to get that. I tell him and he literally gets pissed that I'm ordering BBQ at a place that isn't a BBQ place. So I say nevermind I want a grilled cheese (I eat chicken, grilled cheese or BBQ I'm picky and usually that's all I want) he then gets furious about that because you can make a grilled cheese at home. He then drives off and says I'm not even that hungry. So I say go home. He then proceeds to drive home and I say stop at zaxsbys so I can get something to eat just because you aren't hungry doesn't mean I'm not. He yells at me about how I can make a grilled cheese at home and he wanted to wait until the lunch died down and we go to city cafe so our baby would be awake. I'm just pissed because now we got in a fight, I haven't ate since lunch yesterday, and I don't want to go back out in the dang rain and storms with a baby that doesn't feel good to go eat in an hour. He is just a child !!!!!!!! He needs to grow up and start acting like an adult because I've about had enough.Â