Is this a normal break up reaction?

I broke up with my ex because she was lying tons and cheating  on me... and I know I was right in doing so, and I thought I didn't care so much about her because while we were together, I had some thought of not being mad about her as "she was for me" or I thought of breaking up with her and not feeling anything. However, this gave me a reason to break up with her for sure. It's been a month, and it's all normal, but lately I don't wanna brush my teeth, eat, shower that often, clean my face, clean my room and I sleep all day, except when I have to go to university. I wake up like with the exact time to get there, and after I get home, I sleep until it's time for school again. I think this actually affected me then, and well, she couldn't care less I broke up with her so all of her pretend about being crazy for me was a lie. And I am wondering if this is normal after a break up or I am being too dramatic? Help 🙁 P.S. I only cried about 1h the night after the break up, but that's it. I never cry, so is this not normal or just part of my personality?