I had been waiting for my due date for 9 months, at first time felt so fast it was almost like I bli...

Becca • ✨✨Mother of 2 ✨✨
I had been waiting for my due date for 9 months, at first time felt so fast it was almost like I blinked and I was 36 weeks excited for my first check I was told I was at 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. I thought "wow my little girl will be here any day!" But what I didn't know was that I'd sit at 1.5 cm and 50% effaced for another 4 weeks and 3 days! My due date came and I thought I'd be pregnant forever! I kept telling the little baby girl in my belly that no matter what mommy would keep her safe just like my tummy did, but all I felt were those little kicks and jabs as if to say "nope I'm comfy" I told myself to be patient that she was just not ready to show her beautiful face. 3 days late a foot rub, a facial and some (a lot) chocolate later I woke up at 3:30 am on June 23 to my waters broken; I didn't think at first it was my water so I got up went to the bathroom and went back to bed, only at 4:00 when I got up one more time to the huge gush and I was I convinced!ni calmly told my husband "my water just broke." I'd never seen my husband get out of bed more quickly! He said excitey "do we need to go now! I'll get everything ready!" I told him I was going to take a shower and relax and then we could go. We made our way to the hospital where I was determined to try unmedicated. At 4:45 When we got hooked up to the monitor and a fern test was administered I was dilated to a 2 50% and -2 station! I was pretty excited and anxious! But later was told my fern test was inconclusive and if the next one was they would send me home! Both nurses I had were confused and told me to relax that they'd check again thankfully one look and the next fern test had more than enough amniotic fluid to show I ruptured my membranes. At 8 am the contractions were tough but I was able to focus and breathe but thought some IV medication would help take the edge off for a little. I ended up thinking up about the pain and giving myself anxiety and decided to get the epidural at 9:20am. after I got the epidural I was checked again and was told I was at 7cm and my nurse who was amazing said I probably could have made it to 10cm and that my breathing techniques were really good! I felt a little guilty and thought I should have been checked first because if I had known how close I was then I wouldn't have gotten the epidural.at 10:00 am felt a lot of pressure and asked to be checked and I quickly went from a 7 to a 9!  At 11:45 I was told we were just waiting on the dr to come in and check me. And we would start pushing. At 12:00 the dr came in, told me I was at 10 told me there was a small amount of bag left broke it and asked "ready to have a baby? " I was so ready I couldn't even explain it! He asked for one test push where he made me stop half way through and said "she'll be fast! You make this look easy!" He got dressed in his gown and I got positioned and at 12:38 pm I was told to give one big long push, and that was all it took for Emmeryn Marie to arrive, one push for her to finally make her entrance. However, due to the fast nature of the birth and my waters not being fully broken she was badly bruised on her face and back and she swallowed a lot of fluid. No NICU, but she has been spitting up a lot her first day. She will be getting a treatment to auction the rest of the fluids out of her tummy. The bruising and swelling on her little face has gone down tremendously and she has been a little trooper. 
Welcome to the world Emmeryn Marie born June 23 2017 at 12:38 weighing 8lbs 9.9 oz 19 and 3/4 in. Your mommy, daddy and older brother are so excited to have you finally here! We love you so much!