Is this considered rape?

So I know this is going to sound really stupid probably but I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm just confused. I was with a girl and we drank. She drank enough to get a little tipsy and out of it and I did not. As the night progressed she kept saying she was horny. When I sat up to get up and go to the bathroom she got in front of my and slowly pushed me back down and started to make out with me. Next thing I knew she was grinding on my leg and she eventually came from doing that. Afterwards I went to he bathroom and cried because I completely didn't know what just happened. The next day we talked about it and I asked if I took advantage of her and she told me that yes I did and that I had practically raped her. So did I? This happened months ago and I've felt so guilty ever since and I've been traumatized by it to the point where I can't even wear the pajamas I wore that night. Did I rape a girl? Is that what I did?