Sex Education


After reading several posts on this forum, I can tell there is a really serious lack of sex education. It is incredibly frustrating and worrying that so many people don't know their own bodies or know the truth behind sex myths.

Do yourself / everyone a favor. If there is not enough access to public sex education, go to YouTube and look at the channel "sexplanations" with Dr. Lindsey Doe, a clinical sexologist who aims to educate the public about sex for FREE. She has videos on everything, I just wanted to share that with you guys.

P.S. Please don't comment if you want to shame sex ed for some reason. People that have sex, are curious, want to know their bodies, etc. deserve a safe space to try and explore that without unnecessary negativity. Also, I'm just a fan of the show and think it would be useful to you guys, that's all, I have nothing to do with the show.