Frustrated and need to vent!

Been ttc for almost a year. I am in my 30' my prime and pretty much want to bd everyday. Before I entered my prime bd'ing once or twice a week was fine with me...not so much my hubby., he wanted it daily. Well now that it's here I can't get him to bd when I want it and initiate. I have been trying to keep my fertile days to myself because it seems when I tell him he puts to much pressure on himself and can't perform. I am in my fertile window now and it's closing. We were lucky enough to bd successfully yesterday after our second attempt..,I made the mistake of telling him I was peaking. I tried to initiate a little bit ago and he shot me down. How am I going to give him the baby he wants so badly if he is never in the mood. It's beginning to make me feel like it's me. Tantrum is over. Sorry to vent but I don't know who else to vent to about this.