Dad problem

Linsey • Just looking for advice
I just kinda wanted to show the community how shitty my father is. He never comes to see us (me and my brothers, ages 18,15,13) and doesn't ever want to talk when I text him. I've recently realized what a shit dad he is when I found out he doesn't even know when my birthday is bc he's always either high, drunk, or both. He hasn't texted or tried to contact me in about 2 months until this text woke me up yesterday. Idk... it just kinda hurts that he won't be a part of my life. He knows nothing about me. Christmas last year he handed me 100$ bc "he doesn't know what I like" flat out. His reasoning. He's never been there for me and I don't understand if it's because I did something or if he's just a shit 'Dad'... for 2 solid years I was afraid all guys would leave like he did and so I got close to no one but girls until I realized not all guys leave... idk... I just really hate him