I hate waiting!!

I had a D&C June 2nd and was at 8 weeks 4 days. I never really bleed much just some spotting off and on for about 15 days. Went in 2 weeks post op and my HCG was still higher than is should be (119.5). I have an appt tonorrow to get blood redrawn and also meet with our fertility doc to talk about next steps. I have made peace with what happened for the most part, it's still sad and I think about it often but I know it scientifically probably happened for a reason (waiting for genetic testing reaults on the embryo to come in still) and am just ready to start trying again and hopefully get another little one in me soon....however waiting for this appt tomorrow, the number to be zero, and my period to start is driving me nuts. I have never wanted a damned period in my life as bad as I want this one. I have never had any pms symptoms of periods symptoms so it's even harder as I have no idea if it's close OR when it wi be coming. My period literally just starts, goes, and ends with no anything but bleeding. Normally I love it but I would give anything for some pms for once haha. I have a ton of nervous energy waiting and can only spend so much time at the gym, playing sports, or reading to pass the time haha. The gym has been my bitch since June 2nd and while I love the gym I won't miss feeling the need to work off nervous energy waiting.