Am I wasting my time?

Emily • 18 • Student
So the guy I currently like, I've had on and off feelings towards him for 7 months now. Sometimes I think he's too controlling and jealous but I think I'm the same way. We make out when he comes over but it's not the best I've ever had but I do like him. I want to know more about him and get closer to him but I feel like there's a road block. Like he doesn't let people see his vulnerable side or he's afraid. He wants a bj but I don't want I be used for that so I'm makin him wait but I'm afraid I'm wasting my time with him. He met my parents today and they really like him and when he brought up his parents, he totally shot down the idea of me ever meeting them. I am happy when I'm with him but I'm afraid that we aren't gonna get anywhere. (16 and not a virgin) please give me advise, honesty is really the best even if it's the brutal truth. I need to hear it. Thank you. 

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