unplanned birth

Brittany • Mother of 2 boys( 6/11/08 and 7/4/17) DH had vasectomy, IVF fresh cycle #1 BFP November 2016, Baby born Independence Day 2017, can't wait for baby #3 in a few years! 👶🏽💙❤️💙❤️
I had my son at 37 weeks due to hypertension and a history of preeclampsia, completely unexpected I was in labor and delivery triage believing I would be discharged in bed rest but within an hour in my labor room and told a baby would be born today or tomorrow. I am currently 2 days PP and still in the hospital recovering from an indication that I was told by my OB and nurse I was a rock star during my delivery and did a great job. Baby is doing great as well! We are healthy. I just can't help but be a little sad that I ended up having a baby before my due date and feel like I missed those few weeks of having my baby inside me. I feel like my pregnancy went by so fast and I didn't get a chance to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong I am happy and thank god me and my baby are healthy. I'm just feeling a little down.