Yesterday was the Worst Day I've had in a Long Time...

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

And this week has definitely been the most stressful week I've had since I had a wedding and moved across the country in the span of less than a week last October. Yesterday, I checked our bank account, and noticed our checking account was at $0, and there was a lot of suspicious activity. It seems someone, somehow, obtained my husband's debit card information and was using it to make online purchases at Guitar Center and through Venmo. They spent everything we had in our checking account. We had to disable the card, and thus we no longer have access to our savings either because our bank doesn't have any locations within 500 miles of where we currently live. We don't get paid again until the 15th, and we'll have to file a claim in order to get back the money this person stole, which will take time. They're rushing us a new card, but we may have to make it through to Monday with literally no money except the pennies in my coin purse. So of course I'm feeling super worried about our finances. I've never experienced this and idk how it happened. I'm concerned that the bank will refuse to refund us, since it's harder to prove that online purchases are fraudulent. Has anyone else been through this? How did you handle it?

Spending all yesterday trying to straighten out the health insurance issues I've been having to no avail hasn't exactly helped me relax. And neither did the interview I had today. I mean, I think the interview went okay, but I've been a mess all week trying to prepare for it and at this point I am just positively exhausted and absolutely overwhelmed. And I'll have to go through it all again next week for a second interview at the same place with the Chief Clinical Officer. Help! Someone tell me things will get better! I just want to cry.