Need support


I'm 24 yrs old with very long cycles I'm so confused as i don't have pcos and am actually a bit underweight.

Me and SO have been ttc for 11 months now. My cycles range from 41 to 45 days with a 36 day and 50 day cycle in there as well.

I'm now on cd 43 with bfn and loosing so much hope

Why is it that other woman sneeze and get pregnant and I'm activel trying and can not.

I swear this was supposed to be easy, this was supposed to be the fun part and I feel so beaten and worn down.

We started ttc when my SO nephew had just been born. We went to the hospital and knew it was time for us to start a family. Last weekend we went to his nephews 1st baby and I'm still not pregnant.

I just feel like I'm useless already. The one thing I always wanted and I can't have it, k feel worn down beaten up. Just looking for some support or any ladies who may have had really long cycles and still got the Bfp .

Please help me ladies because my mental is breaking so bad 😥