No more pumping problems!


I have had pumping problems from the start.. I'd get nothing out of my left boob then only 2 oz out of my right. I'm going back to work next week so I attempted to start making a stash for my fiancé when I return to work. It was very difficult & time consuming to do so when I was only pumping a couple oz at a time & could only get that when baby was nursing on one breast. So I posted looking for help, people gave me great suggestions & tips. I thought my flange size was too big so I ordered a smaller size which ended up doing absolutely nothing for me. So since I had tried everything, I figured it was the pump. I was using an Ameda Purely Yours electric pump which if anyone was wondering, I do NOT recommend. I've heard lots of good things about it & a lot of bad so it must depend on the person but it is not the pump for me. I switched & got the Medela Pump in Style. It works so much better! I love the let down feature. When I was using the Ameda, I could not get a let down what so ever. When I pump with Medela, I get a nice strong let down within the first 3 mins of pumping.

Well my LO was awake & fussy all day yesterday due to going through a growth spurt so he slept through the whole night from being so tired! It was a nice break but when I woke up, my boobs were heavy & hard & very very sore since I'm used to feeding him 2-3 times through out the night. I decided to pump to relieve myself haha. Well I pumped for about 10 mins & hot 5oz out of my right & 3oz out of my left!!! This really made my day, I started getting discouraged for a while there.. I definitely made the right decision by switching to Medela. 😊👍