Renting the house to tenants for additional income SUCKS!!!

I absolutely hate having other people in the house, living with us. They move around furniture and are inconsiderate when parking. I mean this one kid was taking up the whole two car garage to work on his car. My fiance had to park his car in the driveway. Mind you, he owns the fucking house!!!!! I was pissed but couldn't say anything. My fiance owns the house and we just moved in together. He desperately needs the money right now. I feel as though it is not my place to say anything and i should just try to play nice.

Then this kid rearranges the living room furniture to play a video game. Their guests are inconsiderate because they are loud and sometimes park on the grass. This is an upscale community. Gardeners tend to the lawn. Why would your dumb ass park on the nice, green grass? Were you raised by animals?

They leave dirty dishes in the sink for DAYS?

I need advice on how to get through this for the next few months that we have to rent out these two rooms. Living with people is so annoying!!!!! I mean completely annoying. I am thinking of spending more time in the gym and studying so i don't have to be around this. However, i have to come home to sleep and such.

I am asking for ways to deal. I know I can't say anything because I don't own or am not paying the taxes, utilities and etc. Yet. ( I am working on securing my career). Only person with authority is my fiance who owns the place. I need coping mechanisms so I don't go crazy here. I am a very clean and tidy person. I am trying to cope with this craziness!!!!