Baby fell off bed


My baby rolled off bed yesterday. I didn't expect this to happen so quickly as I barricaded her with a few pillows, left her with her favorite toys. She usually doesn't move or roll around much and is not fully a crawler that's why I thought she was safe on bed (she mostly likes to stand and walk when on walkers). Well I was wrong and she is now very active rolling baby as I realized yesterday. as I stepped into my walk-in closet for a few seconds, I hear a loud thud and I was so shocked to see my baby on the floor. She landed on her chest .

I was so worried , upset at myself and my heart was racing. I rubbed her head with castor oil and soothed her in my arms. I also gave her her bottle then a bath and used salt water on her head . She was very playful during her bath and laughing.

My husband was at work so I called my in laws who live very close and they immediately came by. My mil inspected her and said she looks fine and not to worry . She laughed and giggled around my in laws, which she always does. She was her usual self following the fall and resumed to playing with her toys and being a happy baby.

My daughter had a small red mark on her forehead after the fall yesterday, now it's gone.

I did call doctors office but they told me to monitor and look for signs of unusual behaviors. She's behaving normally and I'm convinced these babies are built like rocks.

Momma is still worried though .

Did your baby ever fall off anything ? What did you do ? Any thing unusual few days following ? Any recommendations?

Thanks moms