What do I do??

So my husband was recovered addict when I met him, but the past 2 years its been a serious battle, he stops for a little then starts again. This past year has been terrible the worst, he lost his job , then we lost our place. In the process he was so high it took us 3 days to move granted when I found out I was pregnant he was high too. So we've never even been excited. The last day we had to move and be out he was so high he didn't realize what was going on so I had to call an ambulance to come get him cause he wouldn't get out of the house he kept sleeping. Then I went thru his phone and found out he tried to hook up with his dealer cause I pissed him off his words while high. I never thought this would be my husband he's the one man I thought would never device me like that. They didn't hook up, and I've been trying to get past this all but it feels impossible and it's like he tries to make it better and then stops putting effort in. We get in arguments ever payday because he lives with his mom I don't know what he's doing with his money he was withdrawing a large amount and saying it was for his mom and then it was a lie. I was staying with him at his mom's but I couldn't handle his lies and his mom enables him. He says he's trying to change but once again we got I argument over money, and I was the one freaking out and need to stop the bullshit. He has not tried to contact me since last night, I feel like that's not ok were married and I'm pregnant with his son. I just don't know if I should say anything or just walk away. I'm even going to go to meetings for family's dealing with addicts to help me with my anger about him, while he isn't.