Help! Need advice . Husbands confession.

Earlier last year my hubby confessed that he cheated on me with 3 different women ( one of the girls was a long time friend of his and she knew that he was engaged to me) with that friend my husband said that he only slept with her once. During the time of his cheating we were living together , engaged and ttc.

Since being married my husband has been wonderful and is everything that i have i ever wanted him to be. The thing is, i can't stop thinking about it all, everyday i wake up and i find myself thinking about it and getting angry and upset about it. I keep asking him daily how/why he did it. He keeps saying that it "happened so long ago and i should get over it" , that "he was an idiot ", that "it was a mistake".

Even when we are intimate i can't fully enjoy myself as i find myself thinking about him being with other women.

Its been over a year since he told me and i just can't seem to get passed it . It hurts so much to know that he betrayed me like that and not just once but multiple times.

I just don't know how to get over this. I can't keep bringing it up daily with him as it just makes both of us upset and angry.

Anyone have any advice for me ? I have been emotional about this for so long and i just don't know how to get past this. I know i should be by now but i still feel so shattered . Apart of me wishes that he never told me then i wouldn't feel like this.

FYI we now have a 2 year old.

Apologies for the rant!