I have cut off my mother out of my life for good... need to vent..

My mum has been using me financially for years since my Dad passed away. She went to Uni for years got herself a diploma and never worked. Didnt want to. Expected Dad to bring in all the money. He worked his ass into the ground until he died in 2011.

I was a horrible kid, a rebel, a nightmare. Everything i dont want my kids to be. I was sleeping with boys because they would tell me they loved me... something i never really heard at home. I wanted a baby at 15. By 16 i was pregnant. I dropped out of school. My dad was so disappointed and my Mum was happy because she thought she would receive the government benefits.

I was in an abusive relationship with my daughters father who lived with us. Mum encouraged the relationship when i was just a child and Dad felt he couldnt really control the situation. I soon became pregnant again and at 18 was a Mother of 2.

Dad died in 2011 of lung cancer after quitting because i begged him to. Mum blamed me for his death saying quitting sped up the cancer growths.

I ended up getting a job and realising i needed to grow up after he died. I got a loan because mum wouldnt work and couldnt make house payments and i put $20,000 on the house for her. Had trouble paying the loan back but scraped by.

I left my abusive boyfriend and met my now fiance. I got pregnant again, twice and now am 24 with 4 kids. I work full time however and he works full time as well. We have our shit together and our heads screwed on. I think my Dad would have been proud.

Heres the thing, my mum got a new house (i co signed so she could get approved) and anyway she os now refusing to make repayments. She has rented the house out to a tenant without my permission and is pocketing all the rent. Im now taking my own mother to the supreme court. She took my only car when i was on bed rest and assured me she would return it once baby was born and didnt. She put it in her name instead and i had to work for months to afford another car.

She found an old iphone of mine in a box at the house which contained nude photos of me. She uploaded them publically to facebook but because she obscured my face the police couldnt charge her. She told my MIL she hopes she dies of her cancer shes battling and she told my fiance that my "ugly monkey kids arent his". She also said i have herpes all over facebook.

I feel like my childhood and young adult like has been a disaster up until recently the past few years i met my fiance. I have decided to cut my mother off entirely. She had the hide to write a letter saying i burdened her. Me being rebellious as a teenager and pregnant as a teen was a burden to her. I understand i made some poor choices back then but i was a niave kid crying out for attention and someone to love me. I thought having a baby meant it would always love me, and she does, but oh god id hate to see my daughters in a predicament like that.

I just wanted to get this off my chest.