Husbands Sex addition

So my husband is addicted to porn. I know there are so many women who think "omg this again, who cares he's not actually cheating" my problem with it is. The women online get the best of him. I want to have sex with him I want the attention and affection from him. But because he's already jacked off 3x for the day he has nothing left for me. Im 8 mo pregnant and I just cant do it anymore. I cant compete with these fantasy women. I cant keep begging for attention and affection. I want to have sex too! He either goes to porn websites or online video cams with girls. What makes me angry is its not like IM NOT WILLING, or havent sent him 500 naughty pics of me or we dont have 30 videos of us. But I didnt know what was going on behind my back. I feel like every DUMB girl that when people ask "why are you still with him" my answer is "because I love him" I've finally said enough is enough Im done. Im done checking his phone, wondering what he's doing when he's alone. We're in marriage counseling but I feel like its making me realize. IT WILL NEVER STOP. I get it he's an addicts & addicts CAN recover but I don't wanna spend forever babysitting him OR waiting for him to relapse. After a year of begging for it to stop (again I know stupid me) I just cant hurt anymore. If he looked at porn & it didn't affect our relationship I honestly wouldn't care if he did. We got married in Oct 2016 and pregnant in November 2016 but I honestly didn't realize the extent of the problem or I would have NEVER married him Or gotten pregnant. I feel like great, I unknowingly put myself in this situation, and now I get to be a single mom, to this beautiful little boy we're having. He wants to try and promise's he wont look anymore but I don't believe it and honestly I feel like its too late now. plus every addict says they'll stop. I havent caught physical cheating but at this point it wouldn't surprise me. I've known him for 7 years and we were actually best friends before dating (cliché I know) been together almost 3 but I honestly NEVER thought he would do this. He always preached loyalty and stuff blah blah blah. I feel like I never actually knew him. 😢😪 I know some women are gonna say "girl you deserve better just move on" I know I do but my feelings aren't just gonna turn off. My ❤️ is 💔