

I am so so so sick of having irregular period. Was on the pill for 4 years. Came off last January (2016) due to the moods it was giving me. Ever since I have not had a regular period. They are always late, never early..apart from last month when it was bang on my predication date.

I get even more annoyed because I then start to convince myself I'm pregnant. Not that we are trying but I start getting used to the idea and then when I take a test it's negative and I have to wait for the inevitable period that I can't prepare for.

This month especially. Was meant to start the 8th (prediction from another app) and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> said tomorrow. I had extreme hunger last week, to the point were I felt sick and nothing was filling me. Cramps here and there, specifically on my left side and headaches and recently some nausea after eating. Which I know are all pms symptoms too but because my pms symptoms are normally just severe cramps a couple of days before, I started to think it was something else.

I seem to be getting fleeting pms symptoms which last for a day/a few hours and then I feel nothing 😩😩😩