My 5 year old doesn't want to live with me.


So I just recently moved out and my 5 year old daughter does not want to live with me at my new house. I was a teen mom. I was 17 when I had her so with that being said, I was still a kid. My mom practically raised her. I'm 21 now almost 22. Her father was shot and killed and now I am living with my Fiancé, whom I have a 16 month old with. My 5 year old hatesssss staying at my house. My fiancé gets mad that She isn't home, but the reason why she doesn't want to say is because he is "mean" to her. He's not really mean. He just doesn't let her get away with a lot of stuff that my mom would let her get away with. Personally I don't care if she stays there some days. But he has a problem. Please help me out with this situation...