I really need some advice

Tiffany • William Dalas born September 18,2016.💙👶🏼 Teen Mom. 💕 YouTube: Dalas’ Mommy

My son is 9 months old, turns 10 months on the 18th. My poor little baby bites his tongue while he sleeps. Bed sheets covered with blood. He never gets to take a nap. Interrupted sleep every night, he's on the 6th time waking up right now. The tip on his tongue is so busted open from this happening. The doctors don't know anything about it and I've read tons and tons of things online about their kids doing it too. He's not having a seizure and I know that because when he falls asleep with me rocking him, he just wakes up with blood ALL OVER!! Haven't checked his iron levels, that's next. But he does grind his teeth only after he bites his tongue. He has 4 teeth, two top and two bottom. I don't want to fall asleep because sometimes I fall asleep hard and I would feel so terrible if I didn't wake up to hear him scream with blood everywhere. My poor baby has to take ibuprofen every night before he goes to sleep so he doesn't hurt all night. Even at nap time during the day, he still does it and I can't do anything about it but to just hold him and comfort him. I've tried propping his pillow, a binky, ibuprofen, Tylenol, a bottle, keeping him cold/warm, bath before bed... I feel like I have tried everything. Does anyone know how I can get my baby to have a good sleep for once? Anything to help him not bite his tongue? Any suggestions will be ever so greatly appreciated. I need sleep but he needs to not be in pain. No mother ever wants to see their baby go through pain and I hate seeing it every single day. It's been going on for almost 2 1/2 months now. Ever since his top teeth started to bud,(bottom 2 came first)he grinds his teeth like there is no tomorrow. But what I don't understand is this only happens WHEN HE SLEEPS. I really don't get it. PLEASE HELP ME!