****TMI** I bled after fingering myself

I know your hymn can break and it bleeds but this was not very much blood. ( I'm going to get graphic bc I want to make sure ppl know what I mean) my period did just end a day or two ago but my period blood is usually darker and this had a brighter color. And I was deep in myself with one finger and I was wiggling my finger and when I pulled it out I had a little ( like the size of a droplet of water) bit of blood under my nail. I was automatically worried and looked it up and some things said I just scratched my hymn and others said I may have scratched my inner walls and it could be really serious. I'm kinda freaked out now and not sure what to do. I do have kinda long nails btw.

Update: I talked to my mom ( she used to work in L and D so I figured she'd know a thing or two ) and she said I should be fine if I did scratch my inner wall as long as I wasn't bleeding a lot and that vaginal tissue heals quickly. She also said the things I read about it being serious that I couldn't have kids or something wasn't true.