TMI, no pictures just need info on an awkward situation!

So I just got my first period since having my baby. I figured it would be heavy since it's been about a year since I had one, but I was taking a shower this morning and a giant like blood clot/ skin tissue looking substance came out, about the size of a small lime. It wasn't round in shape like that but kinda flat like I shaved a layer of skin off?! And I noticed a smaller amount of the same thing while using the bathroom not to long ago! Is this normal? What is it? Because I'm really freaking out and my husband wouldn't know if I asked him!😂 and no I don't feel bad, it didn't hurt and I just have light cramps like a normal period.

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Posted at
Totally normal. It's your uterine lining. As long as you aren't filling a pad in an hour you're alright.


Posted at
Yes, it's normal. I have three kids and literally the only time I experienced clotted blood loss was PP. You are ok. If you are hemorrhaging and filling a pad in less than hour, than call the OB. Any further concern, just call and speak to the nurse. They will talk you down and you'll feel better  


Posted at
I had that after my first, also blood everywhere