Overwhelmed with bills/lack of money


I really hope I reach a place in the future where I don't lose sleep at night worrying about money anymore. My boyfriend and I are 22/23 and we try so hard to make everything work month to month. I'm laid off from my job, he recently took a big pay cut at his job. We still owe over $700 in bills this month. The frustration gets the best of us, and we start to take it out on each other, which neither of us deserve. I feel like we're just two people who can never catch a break in life. I feel worthless, like I'm not doing enough. It really breaks my heart to see him trying so hard and not getting much back in return while I'm at home, only bringing in $140 a week in unemployment. Also I'm in the middle of filing bankruptcy which adds so much grief to my mind. On top of dysfunctional family's for both of us. I feel the distance stress creates between us... I hope good karma if it exists finally makes it's way to us.