My ex knowingly gave me herpes


My ex gave me herpes early on in our relationship. He sweet talked me and right before asked me to get tested. I already knew ahead of time to get tested but I got tested again because he was older and I wanted to impress him. When it came time for him to get tested he said he forgot, but he was clean.

We had sex, and a few weeks later... some things show up. He accompanies me to city md where they take swabs and tell me I'll get my results later but most likely I have herpes.

I ask him, "did you know you had this?" And he goes, "no it must have been the last girl I was with."

Fast forward a week later, I get a positive test for it. I freak out and he tells me, "Relax, you have it now so just take care of your body and you'll be fine." 😔😔

Fast forward a few months, he's been unfaithful and I'm looking through his messages with his ex. (They're buddy buddy, that's his "best friend")

And she's like "Did you tell her you had it?"

And he goes, "of course I did, I couldn't do her like that."

After seeing that I'm fucking appalled. I always had an inkling he had it longer than he led on, so I confront him and he tells me he's had it ever since he was with that ex.

THEY BROKE UP 4 YEARS BEFORE WE EVEN FUCKING MET. Y'all, I was through the fucking roof...

The rest of the relationship isn't important, he's my ex for a reason.

My reason for posting this though is when I found out, we were still early in the relationship and I thought since I had it no one besides him would love me. And that's how he made me feel, so I never left. But I'm with the love of my life right now, and he didn't blink once when I told him what I had.

As for my ex, his name is Joaquin Harris and he lives in Queens, NYC. He's got a tattoo on his neck and hands. Stay away from him. He's a terrible fucking person and an abusive piece of shit.

Stay safe ladies!