
My brother who is a drunk (not an alcoholic) can NEVER hold a job ,lost custody of his now 9 yr old daughter at 6 months old (parents are raising her and he NEVER visits or even calls her) has no money and has nothing too his name,he's 29! His girlfriend of 10 months,has 4 kids,lost custody of ALL of them , a drunk,kicks my brother out of her apartment every week and is just a horrible person,has a job which is kind of a plus,is 37 yrs old....ok brace yourselves...They just had a baby last night ,beautiful beautiful beautiful baby girl!!!!! Now me and my husband together 12 yrs,both make really good money,not drunks, very stable have a beautiful 8yr old daughter together and we have been trying for 7yrs for baby number 2!!!! It's such BS how the mother nature picks and chooses.....uhg,rant over! BS