Low and slow rising beta hcg .. any hope??

shreya • 🌈 👶🏻 December 2018💕

I had a 5day fet on 3rd july and my first blood test was on 10dp5dt which came out only 41.

My second bhcg was on 12dp5dt which came 123 with a doubling time of 30hrs.

My third bhcg was 299 on 15dp5dt with a doubling time of 56hrs. Is there any hope ??

My doubling time has reduced and i had a ultrasound on 15dp5dt which showed some white area in the uterus which confirms tht this is not a ectopic pregnancy. Im really sad and have no hope with such low numbers and my doctor says its a 50-50% chance this pregnancy will either be healthy or miscarry. My next bhcg is on 24th july which will be 21dp5dt. Doctor is expecting to see atleast a sac by then as i will be around 5weeks2days by then... Really need some positive vibes !!

Also would like to mention i have no symptoms of pregnancy apart from tender breasts and minor leg cramps. But im guessing these can be due to progesterone suppliments also.