One night stand

I was at a low point between September and January where I was depressed and hated myself. During this time I had two one night stands.

The first one I was slightly intoxicated but fully consented, I remember the whole thing, the sex was amazing tbh.

But the second one night stand I was fully sober and consensual at first... then it started to hurt. I had told him repeatedly that he was hurting me and I was literally screaming in pain. We only stopped because I had to leave for work. He legit tore my vagina. It hurt to sit down for weeks. I got bacterial vaginosis and I just found out that I also have something called ureaplasma that I am 99.9% sure that he gave it to me. Even though I made him wear a condom (which he complained it hurt him)

My question is, could this be considered rape? It was extremely painful and I told him he was hurting me, but the thing is I didn't do anything else to try to stop him. And I feel kinda obligated to tell him that he gave me this disease and he needs to get tested but he's a complete douche bag and will tell everyone I gave it to him. I just can't really figure out what happened or how to handle this situation.

(P.s. He claimed that I was girl #3 but I know I had to at least be girl #20. And he hasn't talked to me since, whatsoever)