Thrush issue for 1 month


It's been about a month since I took my son to the pediatrician because I thought he might have thrush. I wasn't too sure if he did or not because I wasn't too familiar w/ what it actually was. I noticed white splotches on his upper mouth & tongue but could never get a really good look at it & my nipples were really itchy. The pediatrician confirmed that it was indeed thrush & helped show me the "blisters" on his bottom gums. She gave him a prescription for nystatin & told me to give him 1ml in each side of his mouth 4 times daily & to rub it on my nipples after every feeding. We also were told to sterilize binkys, bottles (bottle nipples) & my flanges for when I pump. I have been doing all of this for the past month & he still has blisters & now I feel it's getting worse because now my breasts don't just itch, they have a burning sensation that radiates through my entire breast whether I've just fed him or not & whether I've just pumped or not. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this happen & any suggestions. His next appt is in a few days & I do plan on bringing it up.