Postpartum Anxiety


I believe that I am suffering from a moderate case of postpartum anxiety. I have always had a little anxiety but it was very easily managed. I don't know what to do. I worry about every little thing.

Hubby works until 1 a.m. So my nightly routine is let the dog out, check about 100 times that all doors and windows are locked (that was part of my normal anxiety) once we are upstairs (our 5 month old sleeps in our room) the dog is with us, and the bedroom door gets locked. That is the only way I am remotely comfortable to sleep. We live in a nice part of town, so I shouldn't be this afraid.

Little one goes down for the night shortly after that, then I am up for hours on end with horrific scenarios running through my head until I finally pass out from exhaustion.

I don't want to go on medication, but I need some guidance. Going to the OB I used for my pregnancy is out of the question. I do believe that my experience using her as my provider has increased the anxiety. I get anxious any time we take our daughter to her pediatrician appointments because it is in the same office as the OB. Who else can I see? What are some medication free ways to deal with anxiety?