2 ovulation in one month. Confused :(

Elizabeth • TTC baby # 1 with my wonderful man. :)
My hubby and I have been trying for almost 2 yrs. the month of nov. And dec. my ovulation test (clear blue) showed posturing ovulation around the 17 and 18th then again around the 27th. The 17th would be about 2 weeks into my cycle. Just wondering if my body is gearing up to ovulate but then not till later. Any ideas or anyone hav this happen??
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Posted at
Yes, I've read that you can have more than one lh surge in a month, usually the last one is the one where you actually ovulate tracking your bbt is the only way to know for sure you did ovulate, so I recommend doing that too in addition to using opks.


Posted at
Very true hailey. I felt like I was ovulating both times but I have heard opk do give flase positives a lot. This month I'm just trying to pay more attention to my body and see what happens. 


Posted at
I also had 2 positive OPKs this month, 4 days apart.  My suggestion would be to use other signs as well (like checking CM and using the fertile focus scope or tracking your bb temp) bc it seems that OPKs gives a false positives all the time, judging from posts here!


Posted at
Af has arrived. Yes took a hpt. This happened two monthes in a row:(


Posted at
Have you taken a hpt? O tests can sometimes pick up pg. has this happened more than once? Has AF arrived yet?


Posted at
I hate auto correct lol. I meant positive ovulation test.