Stay at home mom depression

Anyone else?? I've been a stay at home mom/wife for 4 years now and I'm so depressed sometimes. I have like no friends, my husband is somewhat controlling and doesn't really like me going anywhere. I mean I get out to take my dad here or there maybe once a month....hubby doesn't like me to go see my mom cause he doesn't like her. I feel so trapped sometimes. He never leaves me with money cause I'm "bad with money" like idk my kids are 3 and 1 and I'm so blessed to be able to stay home with them but at the same time I literally never get alone time. In the past I've asked him if I could go somewhere while he watches the kids and he calls me crazy and I'm the mother I should always be with them 😩I can't talk to him about anything cause he shrugs it off like it's not important. I know he works hard but he doesn't appreciate the things I do and it's really starting to take a toll on me emotionally.