Frustrated and fed up!


Anyone else feel like their spouse isn't a lot of help? I get he works and some long hours.. but he gets days off... sleeps the day away then golfs as well gets uninterrupted sleep ( yeah only 5 hours.. not my fault he won't shut the tv off at night) the most help he is with the baby is changing A dirty diaper, taking dogs on poop loop and napping with the baby so I can get things done, or holding her when she's fussy so I can quickly eat ( after he's already eaten ) and my foods sat there waiting turning to a cold mush. Then treats me like a maid..I am neurotic so I like a clean house. I don't ask him to do much other then pick up after himself and take out the trash ( if he's home) I'm dealing with the baby 24/7 on my own with next to no help. We have one vehicles and he works so mon to fri I can't go too far from the house ( rough labour still healing so walks are short ) I deal with the dogs, keep the house clean, ( literally spotless with a new born ) make sure he comes home to dinner made and if the baby's been fussy and I haven't been able to do that I'm the one paying for dinner as well., I just feel so isolated and alone.. I have to nag to get any help and then I'm the bad guy., please tell me someone else has dealt with this to?