I failed I give up

I want to quit. I have completely failed at feeding my child. From day one we had latching issues made it to day 4 before I had to give up and just pump. It was so frustrating for both of us and he wasn't t eating enough and just screaming all the time. I've been in pain ever since my nipples hurt from him latching wrong so badly I just cried every time I attempted to feed him. Now he's 2 weeks old and I'm still in so much pain. My nipples get white and they are cracked to hell huge hard masses in my breast I can't get out have been there for days I feel like my breast have been punched I don't want to do this any more how do I quit. I'm over it I'm over the pain and being ill i keep getting a fever. I hate this. I feel like a big failure and I hate myself for this but I can't do it any more 😭