Need name reassurance

Kelsey • Baby Girl #1 was born 10/5/17 Baby Girl #2 was born 2/15/19 😊
Alright, I'll start by saying we've had this name pretty much picked since we found out we were having a girl at about 15 weeks. I'm now almost 32 weeks and I still have some hesitation. Is this normal? There really isn't a name I love more. I think I'm needing reassurance because we aren't telling anyone the name so I have nobody's feedback. I tend to be easily swayed by other's opinions which is why we kept it a secret in the first place.

First impression of Sylvie? What would you think? My biggest concern is the flow with our LN. Our LN starts with "Sin" and is 2 syllables also. I'm worried about how sing songy Sylvie Sin--- sounds. Please help me feel more confident! Or if you really hate it, tell me why!

Also, if you've gotten this far (I'm long winded I know 😉) neither DH and or I like Sylvia. I think it sounds better with our LN but it's definitely not an option.