Infant carrier or convertible car seat??

Brittany • 23 | 05.26.17 👰🏻💍❤️ | 03.11.18 👶🏻 💙

Okay y'all. My husband and I are trying to figure out what would be best to get. We don't know if we should get an infant carrier to start out with and then go to a convertible later. Or if we should just get a convertible car seat to start out with.

He wants to just get a convertible. And says we can carry the baby until they're old enough to hold their heads up and sit up in their own then we can put them in a stroller and a cart whenever we go somewhere.

I was thinking get an infant seat while they're younger to carry them in. Then when they're old enough to hold themselves up get a convertible.

Please help!