Possible latch problem?

I need some help understanding this behavior! Sometimes when I'm trying to BF (LO gives me all the cues), she'll latch on great, suck for a few seconds...detach and then move her hands towards her mouth and give off sucking motions...basically, to me anyway, telling me she's still hungry. So I try to latch her on again but she keeps putting her hands up near her mouth blocking the nipple, and when I finally get her mouth to the nipple she just kind of...puts the nipple barely in her mouth (doesn't latch), spits it out, back in her mouth, spits it out and pulls away! Sometimes she gives me a ''grossed out' look when she pulls away. And then starts to whimper because she wants food and it's almost a battle to get her to latch. When she finally does, all is good. This tends to happen more with my right breast. Oi!!!
What does it mean and what am I doing wrong? 😱